Microbial Survival on Surfaces: Challenges and Solutions

Paul Willocks
Marketing Manager (Addmaster)
Microbial Survival on Surfaces: Challenges and Solutions

Microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, have the ability to persist on surfaces for extended periods, creating significant hygiene challenges in the home, workplace, and in public spaces. The survival of these pathogens on surfaces like metal, plastic, and fabric is influenced by various factors and can lead to widespread contamination if not properly managed and treated.

Understanding Microbial Survival on Surfaces

Surface Material and Microbial Survival

  • Non-Porous Surfaces: Non-porous materials such as stainless steel, plastic, and glass are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and the workplace. These surfaces are designed to not absorb moisture, allowing microorganisms to persist longer. For instance, Staphylococcus aureus can survive on stainless steel for several days, posing a significant hygiene risk in environments where these surfaces are frequently touched.
  • Porous Surfaces: Porous materials including wood and fabric tend to trap moisture and organic matter, which can either support microbial growth or, conversely, reduce survival due to desiccation (drying out). Fabrics, especially in healthcare settings, can harbour pathogens like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) for extended periods, making them a key focus when it comes to hygiene management.

Environmental Factors

  • Temperature and Humidity: The environment in which a surface is located significantly affects microbial survival. Warm and humid conditions will generally promote increased survival times for bacteria and fungi. For example, Escherichia coli can persist longer on surfaces in high-humidity conditions, which is why maintaining controlled environmental conditions is critical in food preparation and storage areas.
  • Presence of Organic Matter: Surfaces that come into contact with food, bodily fluids, or dirt can support microbial survival by providing nutrients. This is particularly relevant in kitchens and bathrooms, where regular cleaning to remove organic residues is essential for effective hygiene.
  • Survival Rates of Specific Microbes: According to recent research[1], the survival rates of microbes vary widely across different materials. For example, Salmonella can persist on plastic and stainless steel for up to four days, while E. coli may survive for a few hours to several days, depending on the conditions. Norovirus, a highly contagious virus, can survive on hard surfaces like stainless steel and ceramics for up to two weeks, highlighting the importance of rigorous cleaning protocols in areas prone to contamination.
Hygiene Challenges and Effective Strategies

Routine Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Regular cleaning with effective disinfectants is crucial for maintaining hygiene. Disinfectants such as bleach, alcohol-based solutions, and quaternary ammonium compounds are proven to kill or inactivate a wide range of pathogens. For example, bleach solutions are highly effective against both bacteria and viruses, making them ideal for use in areas prone to contamination.
  • In high-touch areas like door handles, countertops, and light switches, frequent cleaning is necessary to prevent the accumulation of microorganisms. Using microfiber cloths, which have been shown to capture more bacteria than traditional cleaning cloths, can enhance the effectiveness of cleaning routines.

Personal Hygiene Practices

  • While surface hygiene is essential, personal hygiene plays an equally important role in preventing the spread of microorganisms. Hands are a primary vector for transferring pathogens from surfaces to individuals.
  • Regular handwashing with soap and water, supplemented by the use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers, is effective in reducing the risk of transferring pathogens from surfaces to the mouth, nose, or eyes.

Antimicrobial Technology: A Game Changer for Surface Hygiene

Antimicrobial technology represents a significant leap forward in the quest for effective surface hygiene. By integrating antimicrobial additives into materials, this technology provides several compelling advantages:

  • Continuous Protection: Unlike traditional cleaning methods, which eliminate microbes only at the time of cleaning, antimicrobial additives offer ongoing product protection. These additives continuously inhibit the growth and survival of microorganisms. For instance, Biomaster antimicrobial technology uses silver ions that disrupt microbial cell functions, ensuring a sustained reduction in microbial presence.
  • Enhanced Hygiene in High-Risk Environments: Antimicrobial technology is particularly beneficial in high-risk environments such as healthcare facilities, food preparation areas, and public transportation. In these settings, where maintaining a high standard of cleanliness is crucial, antimicrobial additives provide an additional layer of defence. By integrating these additives into frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails and counters, the risk of pathogen spread is significantly reduced.
  • Reduced Risk of Cross-Contamination: Surfaces that incorporate antimicrobial additives are less likely to harbour harmful microbes. This is especially important in environments such as hospitals and food manufacturing or production facilities.
  • Durability and Longevity: Antimicrobial additives are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Unlike surface coatings that can wear off or degrade over time, antimicrobial additives retain their effectiveness for extended periods. This longevity reduces the need for frequent reapplication and maintenance, offering a cost-effective solution for maintaining hygiene.
  • Support for Environmental Hygiene Protocols: Integrating antimicrobial technology into surfaces complements existing hygiene protocols. It works synergistically with routine cleaning practices to provide a comprehensive approach. This dual strategy enhances overall hygiene efforts and ensures that surfaces remain as free from harmful microorganisms as possible.
  • User Confidence: In public spaces and healthcare settings, antimicrobial technology can boost user confidence. Knowing that surfaces are protected with antimicrobial technology reassures users. This can be particularly important in settings where high standards of hygiene are expected and valued.

Incorporating antimicrobial additive technology into materials thus provides an effective approach to surface hygiene, addressing the limitations of traditional cleaning methods and offering a robust solution for maintaining hygiene.

Special Considerations for High-Risk Environments

Healthcare and Food Preparation Settings

In healthcare and food preparation environments, the survival of pathogens on surfaces is a concern. Surfaces in these environments should be cleaned and disinfected frequently, with special attention to areas where cross-contamination is likely. Regular and consistent cleaning routines need to be complimented by the use of antimicrobial technology which passively inhibit the growth of microbes between cleans.


In addressing the challenges posed by microbial survival on surfaces, the incorporation of antimicrobial additives into materials is paramount. These additives actively inhibit the growth of microbes, enhancing surface hygiene. When combined with routine cleaning, these technologies ensure a cleaner environment. Additionally, promoting good personal hygiene and understanding microbial persistence further strengthens efforts to maintain high hygiene standards in both domestic and commercial settings.




[1] Kramer, A., Schwebke, I., & Kampf, G. (2006). How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces? A systematic review. BMC Infectious Diseases, 6(1), 130. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2334-6-130



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