Addmaster receives Queen’s Award for Innovation

Addmaster was the proud recipient of a third Queens Award for Enterprise at a presentation at the company's HQ in Stafford.
The award, the company's first in the Innovation category, was presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire Mr. Ian Dudson.
Mr. Dudson spoke of Addmaster's exceptional feat in becoming multiple award winners. In 2020, the year in which the Queens Award for Innovation was bestowed on the company, there were only 66 award recipients in the whole of the UK.
Winners in the Innovation category have benefited from outstanding commercial success by developing a unique product or service.
Addmaster's Innovation Award recognises the company's contribution to improving public hygiene and eliminating plastic waste by creating a range of reusable plastics – for example, the first antimicrobial coffee cup and the first antimicrobial ‘bag for life’.
The presentation was attended by company employees, family, industry peers and partners and well-wishers from the local business community. Addmaster's founder Paul Morris, MBE, also welcomed representatives from the company's new owners Polygiene, who had travelled from Sweden for the award ceremony.
Paul says:“It was such an honour to receive our third Queens award from the Lord Lieutenant. It recognises the work we did as innovators at the forefront of antimicrobial technology with bacteria and viruses a couple of years ago, so it was surreal to find that our investment had actually become so important when the Covid pandemic hit the world in 2020.
None of this would have been possible without the skill and dedication of the Addmaster staff, who gave everything they had to make sure Biomaster could be rolled out quickly to the help protect the public. This award is therefore for them and all they do every day to help make the world a safer place.”
Addmaster CEO Dr. Sandrine Garnier adds: "A special thank you goes to all our guests who took the time out of their busy working days to celebrate with the team this exceptional achievement. Thank you also to Will and Natalie, from Stafford-based The Nutritious Kitchen, for the wonderful food display.