
Catchbox Applies Antimicrobial Protection to Audio Technology

Catchbox Applies Antimicrobial Protection to Audio Technology

Catchbox, creators of the world's first throwable microphone, has partnered with Addmaster parent company Polygiene to create an antimicrobial cover for its wireless microphones. 

Both the Catchbox cover fabric and microphone foam cap are treated with Polygiene ViralOffTM, which reduces micro-organisms on the material by over 99%. 

This solution comes at a time when in-person events are making a tentative return, hybrid work models are peaking in popularity and schools are making precautionary preparations in case hybrid instruction becomes necessary. 

Audio visual technology plays an essential role in connecting on-site participants with those joining remotely. Since these events typically takes place in groups, it is crucial that transmission risks are minimised and anxieties around using shared items alleviated. ?

Haymo Strubel, VP Commercial Operations EMEA Polygiene explains: “This project is unique and show the added value our antimicrobial technologies can give to a piece of technology intended for shared use. We see a significant potential as this kind of products will be in high demand as society starts to open up. And we are happy to start working with this exciting and innovative brand”.

All versions of the Catchbox throwable wireless microphone use the same soft cover design and covers and microphone foam caps will now be treated with Polygiene ViralOff, with the first products featuring the technology due to be available in September. 

The cover fabric is treated with Polygiene ViralOff during production, which makes the antimicrobial technology durable and always-on, without affecting the Catchbox's dirt and water repellent properties.

Polygiene ViralOff was originally developed as a response to the  SARS-COV-2 pandemic but is also a long-term solution that enhances hygiene and protection factors of a treated material.

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