Addmaster are your trusted partner in combating microbial threats and ensuring superior surface hygiene. Our cutting-edge antimicrobial additives are engineered to reduce viral load and safeguard against microbial degradation.
With a relentless focus on innovation, Addmaster leads the industry in developing solutions that promote cleaner, more hygienic environments. Our antimicrobial additives are meticulously formulated to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, bolstering surface hygiene.
At Addmaster, we understand the urgency of addressing antimicrobial resistance. That's why our advanced technologies are designed to not only combat existing threats but also prevent future resistance development, providing long-term protection for your surfaces and products.
Join the fight against microbes with Addmaster's comprehensive range of antimicrobial additives. Experience peace of mind knowing that your surfaces are fortified, whilst your products set new standards for surface hygiene excellence.
Biomaster, a silver ion technology, is easily incorporated into any plastic, textile, paper, paint or coating.
Biomaster guarantees fast, effective antimicrobial product protection for the effective lifetime of the product, helps to keep surfaces clean and hygienic and reduces the risk of cross-contamination.
Verimaster anti counterfeit technology offers a fail-safe solution to your brand protection and product verification requirements.
Invisible to the naked eye and lasting the lifetime of your product, Verimaster antimicrobial technology is detectable only by our bespoke sensory or optical detectors.
Scentmaster Masterbatches present a wide range of fragrances for introduction into a variety of product materials.
Due to its high fragrance concentration, Scentmaster introduction rates are typically 1% or lower - making it a cost-effective, as well as appealing addition to your product.
Masterpiece Technology is available to any customer whose product specification demands the creation of a bespoke additive solution.
Masterpiece will research, develop and implement your additive – even offering ongoing technical support throughout product manufacture.
Biomaster Clean PullCord
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