
While most bacteria found on desks may be harmful, a cold or flu virus can spread from one contaminated door handle to nearly 40-60% of commonly touched objects in around 2-4 hours, so practicing good hygiene in shared areas like offices is key.

According to a Government study, over 130 million work days are lost each year to sickness related absences which costs the UK economy around £100 billion per year, so it’s imperative that employers contribute to a more hygienic workplace with the implementation of Biomaster technology to help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.


Antimicrobial technology for office

Despite the rise in remote working, communal office spaces are still considered the norm for many 9 to 5 workers, and as with any high-traffic, shared areas there’s an inherent risk of cross-contamination.

Hand hygiene is a key part of controlling the level of bacteria on common touch points such as coffee machines, water coolers and photocopier buttons, particularly as many staff may commute via public transport where handrails and ticket machines can be contaminated.

Whilst encouraging staff to practice good hand hygiene might curtail sickness rates and loss of productivity, Biomaster offers a durable solution for antimicrobial product protection in offices and workplaces to reduce the risk of bacterial spread.


Antimicrobial technology for desks and computer peripherals

According to the University of Arizona, computer keyboard and mice contain more harmful bacteria than the average toilet seat, which is exacerbated by hot-desking and workers eating at their desks.

Although employees should be encouraged to wipe down their workstations regularly, particularly if sharing workspaces, Biomaster treated peripherals can be an effective and additional hygienic step.

An antimicrobial keyboard or computer mouse incorporating Biomaster can offer around the clock protection against harmful bacteria such as MRSA, E. coli and Salmonella.

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Antimicrobial technology for door handles and coatings

Desks and workspaces aside, arguably the most contaminated areas in an office block are door handles, bathroom fittings and lift buttons.

Thorough cleaning and regular disinfecting will help to reduce the bacterial load, and effective hand-washing by staff could reduce bacteria by up to 80%.

Biomaster antimicrobial powder coatings provide a durable solution for door handles, push plates and other fittings which are in high use.

For fixtures and fittings already in place, Biomaster antimicrobial aerosol sprays can provide effective topical protection against harmful bacteria for up to 3 months before reapplication is required.

Features & benefits

  • Independent testing

    All of our antimicrobial treated solutions are independently tested at a leading laboratory to ISO 22196 to ensure of a high quality efficacy against the microbes your product and end application requires.

  • Free of charge samples

    We can provide free-of-charge antimicrobial samples for you to test to ensure that incorporating Biomaster antimicrobial technology into your range of office and workspace products is as straightforward as possible.

  • Expert support - with no licence fees

    Unlike other antimicrobial additive suppliers, there are no licence fees for using our technology.  You get the support of our technical, regulatory and marketing experts free of charge to help make your product a success.

How Biomaster works

Biomaster can be added at any stage of the manufacturing process and is available in masterbatch, liquid or powder formulations for plastics, textiles, paper and coatings.

When bacteria come into contact with a Biomaster protected surface, the active antimicrobial agent prevents them from growing, producing energy or replicating, inhibiting any further growth.

The controlled release of the active ingredient provides powerful, effective antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of the product.

Biomaster case studies

View our case studies
  • Colex International
    • Biomaster
    Colex International
  • BeaconMedaes
    • Biomaster
  • Hillbrush
    • Biomaster

Find out more about specifying Biomaster for your office or workplace

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