Biomaster technology
Biomaster pioneered the use of silver based antimicrobial additives and is now the recognised leader in antibacterial additive technology.
The benefits of silver as a natural antibacterial, however, have been known since the time of the Pharaohs. Silver has been used for thousands of years to prevent the growth of bacteria without the high toxicity associated with other metals.
The healing and anti-disease properties of silver were used in late medieval France, where entire hospital wards were plated with silver to help protect the patients from harmful bacteria.
Up until the introduction of antibiotics in 1938, physicians used colloidal silver as a mainstream antibiotic treatment.

Born with a silver spoon
Early settlers in Australia put silver forks or spoons into their water tanks in order to keep the water clean.
Babies were fed using silver cutlery to avoid infections and illnesses, and silver spoons have traditionally been used to serve sugar because they keep it free from cross-contamination.
NASA even used silver to purify water on the space shuttle.
Today, silver is used in topical gels to treat serious burns and in coated dressings to aid wound healing.
In 2000, Biomaster pioneered the use of silver based antibacterial additives and is now the recognised leader in antibacterial additive technology.